La Opinión: Los retos de la comunidad latina en Inland Empire
La mayoría de los votantes latinos registrados para votar en Inland Empire (IE) consideran que la vivienda, la comida saludable y el cuidado infantil son difíciles de acceder, según el

Desert Sun: Election 2024: Latino voters cite affordable housing, food access, child care as top issues
With election season in full swing, access to affordable housing, healthy food and child care services are among the most widespread challenges for Latino voters in Riverside and San Bernardino

The Press-Enterprise: Do Inland Empire Latinos Have Easy Access to Basic Needs?
Survey results released Monday, Sept. 16, show problems — especially compared to White voters. Read the full article here.

NPR: California’s anti-hate hotline receives over 1,000 incident reports
In its first year, California’s anti-hate hotline received over 1,000 reported acts of hate, including 44 reported acts in Riverside County and 40 acts in San Bernardino County. That’s according

LA Times: It’s been one year since California launched a hate-crime hotline. Here’s what’s happened so far
In the year since California launched a hotline for reporting hate crimes, most of the calls were related to race or ethnicity, with 26.8% of calls citing anti-Black bias. The second-

SF Chronicle: California’s anti-hate hotline logged 1,000-plus reports in its first year, officials saySF Chronicle:
California’s anti-hate hotline, launched in response to a rising number of hate incidents in the state, documented slightly more than 1,000 reports in its first year, officials announced this week. Read the full article

SacBee: California started an anti-hate hotline. It received more than 1,000 reports after a year
Mina Fedor, who is Korean American, was in middle school when she learned of identity-based bullying. It was the beginning of the pandemic in 2020, when reports of anti-Asian incidents

Axios: California hate hotline documents 1,020 reports in first year
California’s first statewide reporting hotline for victims of hate incidents and crimes received 1,020 reports in its first year in service, according to preliminary data released by the state’s Civil Rights Department.

UC: In tough Oakland neighborhoods, a bold project builds public safety — and hope
Annette Miller has lived much of her life in a two-story clapboard house in West Oakland, and through the decades she has seen the fortunes of her neighborhood rise and