
At the Possibility Lab, we are data-driven idealists who believe we can make a significant impact through our work.

Meet Our Team

Executive Director & Principal Investigator
Senior Researcher
Research Associate
Affiliated Researcher
Public Affairs Manager
Senior Research Fellow
Faculty Affiliate & Senior Multimedia Producer
Director of Operations
Research Associate
Operations Manager
Faculty Affiliate
Senior Researcher
Faculty Affiliate and Director, Community Engaged Research
Director of Projects & Planning
Senior Researcher
Senior Advisor for Strategy & Public Affairs
Project Associate
Faculty Affiliate and Senior Researcher
Director, Community Outreach
Chief of Staff
Research Associate
Senior Project Lead
Research Associate


NSF Research Fellow
Graduate Student Researcher
Undergraduate Research Fellow
Graduate Student Researcher
Research Fellow
Graduate Student Researcher
Graduate Student Researcher
Graduate Student Researcher
Graduate Student Researcher


Faculty Affiliate
Graduate Student Affiliate
Faculty Affiliate
Faculty Affiliate
Faculty Affiliate
Faculty Affiliate
Faculty Affiliate
Faculty Affiliate
Faculty Affiliate


  • Spencer Bowen
  • Joaquin Carbonell
  • Sara Castro
  • Andre Chapman
  • Pia Deshpande
  • Kyle Dill
  • Emily Estus
  • Alejandra Fajardo
  • Sam Glaser-Nolan
  • Julian Hayes
  • Charlotte Hill
  • Christian Hosam
  • Grace Huang
  • Karalyn Lacey
  • Jessica Lasky-Fink
  • Maura Liévano
  • Elizabeth Linos
  • Mark Lipkin
  • David Maldonado
  • Griselda Melgoza
  • Alyssa Mooney
  • Ian Mulholland
  • Rohit Naimpally
  • Liliane Niensted
  • Lisa Quan
  • Antonio Raphael
  • Audrey Sayer
  • Jessica Spero Li
  • Casey St. Claire

Our Work