

The Possibility Lab is incubating several large-scale initiatives, including the Abundance Accelerator, the Firsthand Framework for Policy Innovation, and the California Inclusive Engagement Initiative.

Featured Initiatives

Firsthand Framework for Policy Innovation

Abundance Accelerator

The Possibility Lab I.M.P.A.C.T. Model


We partner with dozens of government, philanthropic, and nonprofit partners to design, pilot and scale data-driven policy solutions for the public good.

Featured Projects

How can state governments partner with CBOs to more effectively reach underserved populations?

How does prison research change when incarcerated people lead the research effort?


At our core, we are a research lab that uses rigorous data and evaluation to drive change. We work with our partners to produce original research that not only helps us better understand the challenges we face, but also provides practical recommendations and roadmaps to solve them.

Featured Research

Reimagining (Measurement of) Community Safety: Methodological Questions in Police Reform

Beyond Pell Restoration: Addressing Persistent Funding Challenges in Prison Higher Education

You have bold new ideas to make the world better.

We have a team that can help turn your vision into reality.