
Possibility Lab Partners with “CA vs Hate” to Analyze First-Year Hate Incident Reporting Data

The Possibility Lab was proud to partner with the California Civil Rights Department’s CA vs Hate team in analyzing their first year data on hate incident reporting. The Possibility Lab produced an online digital data summary as well as a two-page summary highlighting key findings from the CA vs Hate data. At their press conference in Sacramento on Monday, May 20, leaders at CA vs Hate announced new efforts to increase the initiative’s impact including additional partnerships with the Possibility Lab to expand data collection and analysis going forward.

“CA vs Hate plays a critical role in helping to build resilient communities by receiving reports of hate through their platforms and providing resources to those who have experienced hate incidents,” said Possibility Lab Executive Director Professor Amy E. Lerman. “The Lab is proud to partner with the CA vs Hate team to strengthen data collection, reporting, and outreach so that we can continue to serve all Californians who are taking action to stop hate.” 

Launched in May 2023 by Governor Gavin Newsom, CA vs Hate is a multi-lingual, non-emergency hate incident and hate crime reporting hotline and online portal established to support individuals and communities targeted for hate in California. Read the full CA vs Hate press release here.