Possibility Lab and California’s Cradle-to-Career Data System Announce Partnership to Support Building User-Friendly Public Data Dashboards
The partnership will provide the public with actionable data on student progress, career pathways, and workforce outcomes.
Berkeley Talks: Possibility Lab’s Amy Lerman joins Ezra Klein to Discuss Building the Things We Need for the Future We Want
Listen now: What are the the difficulties Democratic governments encounter when working to build real things in the real world?
Possibility Lab Awarded California Collaborative for Pandemic Recovery and Readiness Research Grant
The Possibility Lab was recently awarded a grant from the California Collaborative for Pandemic Recovery and Readiness Research (CPR3). Our work examines California Labor and Workforce Development Agency’s (LWDA) COVID-19 Workplace Outreach Project (CWOP), designed
2023: OCTOBER 05 // A Liberalism That Builds: Ezra Klein in Conversation with Professor Amy E. Lerman
California’s deepest problems—the skyrocketing cost of housing, the lagging development of clean energy, the traffic choking the state—reflect an inability of Democratic governments to build real things in the real
Possibility Lab’s Firsthand Framework featured in The Conversation Article
While Americans tend not to use the word “peace” and instead opt for terms like “safety and security,” their desires and fears are not so different from what people in
2023: SEPTEMBER 08 // Berkeley Public Policy Annual Conference and Alumni Gathering
On September 7-8, 2023, the Goldman School of Public Policy hosted its inaugural Berkeley Public Policy Annual Conference and Alumni Gathering. The event brought together alumni, faculty, staff, students, and
2023: JUNE 09 // APSA Mentoring Panel
Founded in 1903, the American Political Science Association (APSA) is the leading professional organization for the study of political science and serves more than 11,000 members in more than 100
2023: MAY 04 // Haas Scholars Panel
Each year, 20 highly qualified, academically talented undergraduates come together to build a supportive intellectual community during their final year at UC Berkeley. Haas Scholars come from all walks of
Possibility Lab Hosts Share-and-Solve Workshop on Overcoming Barriers to Jail-Based Voting
In April, more than 30 jail-based voting practitioners across the country joined a Share-and-Solve workshop hosted by the Possibility Lab. In enthusiastic conversation and real-time updates to a Google doc,