- Who benefits most (and least) from criminal record relief policies?
- What happened inside California’s prisons during the COVID-19 pandemic?
- What can incarcerated youth teach us about justice and public safety?
- What are the opportunities and challenges of expanding Pell Grants?
- What are the effects of prison higher education?
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- How would we measure “safety” if it was defined by communities themselves?
- How should we measure and evaluate equity in public service delivery?
- How does the local implementation of state-wide policies shape racial disparities?
- How does exposure to violence affect law enforcement officers’ mental health?
- How do we increase police accountability in urban communities?
- How do we improve outcomes for behavioral health crises?
- How do we effectively train new law enforcement leaders?
- How do college communities think about policing on campus?
- How can we understand the changing landscape of prison higher education?
- How can we better support people transitioning from homelessness to supportive housing?
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- Firsthand Framework for Policy Innovation
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- Do service calls to 911 perpetuate racialized policing?
- Conversations With Possibility
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- CAvsHate
- Can we increase voter registration and turnout for people in jail?
- Can innovations in community supervision improve re-entry outcomes?
- Are efforts to reduce incarceration inadvertently increasing racial disparities?
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- 2023 Possibility Lab End-of-Year Report